Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hill Repeats

Today, my run coach had the class do hill repeats up some long, slow hill a block or two from Camp Randall stadium. Five times up, five times down, in the heat. At the bottom of my fourth descent, I hollared to the two kids loitering at the bottom of the hill. "Hey, who is gonna help an old lady up this hill? C'mon, I need your help! I can't do it alone." One of the two took me up on it, and we climbed the hill together---her fourth repeat, my fifth. She didn't think she could do it, and her heart rate was maxing out at 190 at the top. I might not have done it but for the audience, the assignment, and the company, even though my HR was only in the 150's at the top...clearly I need to push harder. Still, I was very in touch with who I want to be, who I am...the person who hangs with the back of the packers and, there, can pretend to be brave. I jogged with this kid all of the way back, even when she was walking. I can't keep up with the front of the pack, but I am glad I am now strong enough to share some of my juju with the folks at the back when it's helpful. If only I could have a Little Friend on Ironman day, I could likely talk her through it. Hmm...maybe that Little Friend is me.

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