Thursday, July 3, 2008

Has Your Wetsuit Ever Smelled of (Dead) Fish?

If your wetsuit smells like fish, clap your hands.
If your wetsuit smells like fish, clap your hands.
If your wetsuit smells like fish and you hate fish as a dish,
If your wetsuit smells like fish, clap your hands.

If you don't know how to clean it, clap your hands.
If you don't know how to clean it, clap your hands.
If you don't know how to clean it, and you really, really mean it,
If you don't know how to clean it, clap your hands.

If you want to buy my wetsuit, clap your hands.
If you want to buy my wetsuit, clap your hands.
If you want to buy my wetsuit and you're ready to get to it,
If you want to buy my wetsuit, clap your hands.

I will throw some noseplugs in, at no cost.
I will throw some noseplugs in, at no cost.
I will throw some noseplugs in and won't bother you again,
I will throw some noseplugs in, at no cost.

God Bless America Triathlon is tomorrow. Can we tell that somebody has pent up energy when she "tapers" and carb loads for a super-sprint? What the heck are we in for in August?

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