Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finding a Rhythm

M/T/R: Running class in the a.m.
T/R: Swim in the afternoon.

Pre-run schedule: get up, throw clothes in washer, eat, pack wetsuit, cap, goggles, body glide, towel after retrieving them from where they've been drying from the last round, into one bag. Pack swim suit into computer bag so that I can change into it before I leave work. Pack day's food in computer bag. Dress in running clothes; take hydration belt. Pack work clothes. Pack change for meters at stadium where class is held. Shoes? Oh, hell, running shoes at work is popular in the city, right? Pack transition bag--shampoo, etc. Eat? No? Might be snacks in car left over from yesterday.

Drive to running class; wonder about the irony of this.

Discover meter-free parking today. Score. Park, go to running class. Miss my computer science running buddy, but leap frog my way from the back of the pack to third or fourth from the front by the time we arrive at the stadium. What up with that? These poor kids: dropped by a chubby old professor type. Especially hard on the boys.

Go to car; drive to other campus gym near office; show ID; shower, dress for work. Hang towel from hook in back of car, hoping it will dry by swim class.


Today, my Ironman watch, purchased two summers ago, fell apart while I was doing "body boards" after running. Is it a sign?

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